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Got an Apple tech question? Email ask@maclife com Related articlesTech deals, prizes and latest newsGet the best tech deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable tech news and more!No spam, we promise.. I downloaded and installed OS X 10 10 Yosemite After the installation a dialog appeared saying it can't run Appleworks 6.. Nintendo Switch hacked, opening door for homebrew games (and pirates)Kodi is now available on Xbox OneOver half of all Windows 10 PCs now run Fall Creators UpdateThe Moto G5S Plus with 4GB RAM is priced at Rs.. Apple discontinued support for the software in 2007, around the time that Leopard was released to the public. 2
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While you have been able to use the software for a few years afterwards thanks to Rosetta PowerPC (PPC) software support on modern Intel Macs, Apple finally stopped supporting PPC in OS X Lion. 3
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What am I to do with the several thousand Appleworks 6 documents that are important to me? Is there any way to make them work?Appleworks 6 is a rather old piece of software, with the last updates coming out nearly 11 years ago (in January 2004).. Visit our corporate site © Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury , Bath BA1 1UA.. All rights reserved England and Wales company registration number 2008885. If you still have documents lying around in this format, however, and wish to upgrade them to work with modern apps (say, Pages, Word, or TextEdit), you can do this with the available iWork apps (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote).. org derivativesInformationThe requested topic does not exist Board indexThe team • Delete all board cookies • All times are UTC 1 hour [ DST ]By any use of this Website, you agree to be bound by theseTechRadarHow to open Appleworks files in YosemiteDon't toss those old docs just yet!Got an Apple, Mac, or iOS tech question? We have the answer. HERE